Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Tribute to Samantha

Since we started this blog around the time
Aubrey was born, I thought I should make a
slide show of Samantha, so you can know
just how she came to be that bundle of joy!

I found my favorite video of Sam from her
first two years. Just so you know,
we didn't put her like this.


Jen and Alec said...

How do you pack so much personality into one little frame? did you have an affair with Gumby that Brian didn't know about, because Sam's feet should NOT be able to turn that way so comfortably.

megan said...

I don't know if you will remember me but brian will we went to school together and my brother is kory anyway we just got a blog so i ws looking aroud at other people i know. you guys have the cutest girls!! i love your videos! anyway visit our blog anytime!